It’s a NO-GO this month…

November 14, 2005 § Leave a comment

woke up to discover that I am definately not pregnant this month. I had a feeling and I refuse to psych myself out with this ordeal. I have been a complete bitch and then the cruel fate of my face breaking out told the story. So, another round of ultrasounds, clomid, and the joys of a hyteroscopy and endometrial biospy await me this month. I am kind of bummed. I was veryhopeful that it would take since everything else went so smoothly. Maybe they just did it too early. I don’t ever remember ovulating at day 10 in my cycle. They are the experts and I am not being fair to them by second guessign their abilities. They have done this a heck of a lot more than I have. patience. patience.




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