Actual Birth……

October 22, 2007 § 2 Comments

The actual video of my c-section on 10/16/07

Kind of bloody and not for the squeemish….

Daniel was first, Melissa was second…

Just wanted to update everyone…

The kids are doing well and have started to put on weight. Daniel is a pooping machine and Melissa is not…she may even need some help in that department. We shall see.

I am still getting up to pee a lot and that of course wakes hubby up. The pain is so so. It is really mind over matter at this point. I have my meds and take them when I need them. I am trying to rest but feel like I have so much to do. Mom and Kirsten were a huge help over the weekend and I will be eternally greatful for all of their undertakings.

For the next little while, my schedule is going to consist of being at the hospital by 7:30 am to pump for Daniel (who eats at 8 am) and then be there for rounds so I can get my updates directly from Dr. Eddie (our neonatologist). Then, Melissa gets her feeding at 9 am. I hold them for about 30 minutes after each feeding. I will then come home to rest.

When hubby gets home from work, we will go back over to the hospital for their mid afternoon feedings or evening feeding, whichever time permits. Daniel eats at 12,4,8,12,8,12 again, Melissa is an hour behind.
Daniel is up to 20-30 mls per feeding. Melissa is up to 12 mls. Can you say “Mama Moo”. I am one pumping individual at this point.

They are doing great! Daniel is off of his photo therapy lights and Melissa never needed them at all. Melissa still has a small supplement of oxygen and they both getting a bolus of caffeine every morning. Like mother like daughter and son. I need my caffeine too.

So, if you can’t reach me at home, try my cell phone. If I am not answering, it means that I am probably with the kids in the NICU and I will get back to you.

Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support. We are very blessed.

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