Just another Manic Saturday

August 28, 2010 § 2 Comments

Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother," a...
Image via Wikipedia

Shameless Plug Alert….if you are on Facebook….and who isn’t these days….stop by here and say hi!

Just taking a quick moment, whilst the coffee is brewing to say hello. I know that I am posting far too infrequently, but it is not without cause. Little D’s therapy has taken most of my attention. Well, that and the fact that hubby has been putting in 12+ hours, 6 days a week. I am feeling kind of like a single mom (and resenting it) and have been just plain exhausted.  Oh….and I am back on my meds……going off was a BAD….BAAAAAAD idea.

But! Mind over matter people! The summer is coming to a close, which I personally do not mind….summer is always a bad hair time for me, especially after 7 (yes!) heat waves here in the Philly suburbs. Oh wait…we are getting yet another one this week! Yea! (Note sarcasm!) It is nice and cool here and night and early in the morning, which is quickly becoming my favorite time of day, and my mother will tell you, I was NOT a morning person growing up. But now, I just don’t seem to mind so much. The house is quiet, the coffee is good (either Tim Horton‘s or and organic Kona from Hawaii that my cousin Coop sent me) and I feel like I can get a handle on the day.

I already have a load of laundry going and it is not 8 am yet. Of course, I do have a dishwasher full of clean dishes that I should be putting away but…I owe the blog……

The kids are growing and changing. M is into her “tea party” stage (and no it has nothing to do with the political beliefs of her parents). “Mommy, want some tea? Mommy, don’t forget your sugar!” D is picking up 3 or 4 new words every week, and that makes me so proud!!! My cousin, R, who lives a few miles away was kind enough to give us a little tykes play set. Dad and I went over and disassembled it and got it home. Then it rained for two days…go figure. We finally put it together, somehow managing to not step on the kids as they were underfoot and wanting to play with it IMMEDIATELY. They love it and I am so thankful to my cousin, since a $400 backyard toy would have NEVER been seen in our backyard.

The New Toy!!!

D’s therapy is going well. He loves Monica, his special services teacher. She is here twice a week. And he loves Jo, his occupational therapist, who is here once a week. She always brings new toys for him to play with. Who would have thought that D would love to poke dried ziti noodles through a hole in a plastic glad bowl!!! And then we have Joan. We have only met Joan once. She is his speech therapist. I like her, she is mater-of-factually straight to the point….kind of like (ahem…) me. She is here once a week. We have now set up our schedules so that there are 2 therapy days, Monday and Thursday….rather than therapy 4 days a week, we double up. That way I don’t feel like I am trapped in my home (and I know that feeling all too well).

We also went for an interview with the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. And I am not really complaining. I just wish someone would have told me that D and the hubby did not have to be there. Hubby took a half day of work during one of the craziest times of the year to come to this appointment and all it consisted of was asking me questions that could have been asked over the phone. I know the system is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but…come on!!! So we go back 10/26 for his 4 evaluations that they think they are going to get done in 90 minutes….(and God laughed!!!!)

But I am alive and kicking and will blog when I can…..

One question? Anyone out there have any experience with compression vests for behavior modification? I only ask because the one time we put it on D, he calmed right down……not sure if it is a worth while investment.

Peace in your village….

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