Pictures from the kids' party…

October 19, 2009 § 4 Comments

elmo goes for a swim
Image by Spatial Mongrel via Flickr

So it is Monday again.  Finally, after 4 days of rain and wind, we have some sunshine.  I also have my house back.  The hubby had been off work since Thursday….and honestly, was starting to bug the crap out of me.  I know that he can’t help “ordering me around” and “instructing me on how to care for the children”…it’s the 24 years of army in him.  But sheesh….what does he think I do all day?

We are getting more and more interested in the potty….we are also increasing our vocabulary by leaps and bounds.  That means they can say poop…and crack up laughing hysterically.

Melissa loves to dance.  Daniel loves to spin and get dizzy and fall down.  It’s a real show around here some days.

I know that my challenges have just really begun…I mean the “terrible twos” challenge.  I am still not sure how I am going to deal with it….I guess I just have to take it one day at a time.  That is, if I can keep my brain from melting from Sesame Street and Barney overload.  Elmo is a demi god in this house…..It is Elmo on demand all day….

 My Philadelphia Phillies kicked some L.A. Dodger hiney last night….of course, I was too tired to actually watch it.  I did get to see my boy, Jayson Werth hit his dinger……so that made up for an otherwise crappy day.  I don’t even want to talk about the Philadelphia Eagles performance against the Raiders.

But I am alive.   All plans for going back to school are on hold.  I am treading water even with my parents being so close by.  Just maintaining the house, the laundry, the kids, the dogs, the shopping….well…’s enough for me.  What was I thinking considering taking a part time job?

And we got our new shed….about 6 weeks ago, my mother drove into our shed and totalled it.  So, her auto insurance covered a new shed.  It was delivered on Thursday.  Now, the hubby should have his little man cave to keep all his tools and crap in.

But that is my life….very boring, very routine-driven.  Very tiring, but some days, very rewarding.

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