
November 25, 2009 § 3 Comments

Sorry I have been so quiet.

Things around here are not so great at the moment.  But we are seeing a counselor to try to work out some of our longstanding issues.

The kids are fine, growing like weeds, talking up a storm, and watching a lot of Elmo and Yo Gabba Gabba…which is melting my brain.

I am off to make stuffing at my mother’s house.  It will be a nice, quiet, and hopefully drama-free Thanksgiving.

Someday I will be able to better manage my time and actually post on here more frequently…

IMG_0547 But there they are….my little monsters……

§ 3 Responses to Gobble

  • Helene says:

    Hope you all had a wonderful (and drama-free) Thanskgiving!! The twins have grown so much!! My kids have those same push cars and they LOVE them!

  • Oh they are so cute. Good luck and work out the issues.

  • pillarr1 says:

    The pics are so darling. I know it is hard getting good pictures because they are on the move so much at this age that the pics are blurry sometimes. I hope you guys get it all worked out. Like you, I think I know all of the theme songs to all of the cartoons currently on TV. Uma Thurman said our lives are like a vacuum when kids are this age until they are about six!

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