March 16, 2010 § 1 Comment

  Finally, after 4 full days of rain, we have some blue skies here in PA. It is forecasted to be 60 today, which is fine with me, since I am planning on actually taking the Twinkies out with me today. We are off to Kohl’s to pick up a new griddle that the hubby wants.  He is the king of making breakfast on the weekends…..

The kids slept all night last night, which I was very happy about. The last week or so, they have been particularly fussy in the night which means that neither D nor I get much sleep…and the leads to grumpy Mommy and grumpy Daddy and lots of arguments over silly and insignificant things. Such is life, I guess.

Everything with the kids lately has been “Monkey See, Monkey Do”. If D starts crying, M will start crying. If D has a temper tantrum (which happen regularly), M will curl up in a ball, face down and not move. If D gets a sippy cup, M wants a sippy cup. If M puts her sippy cup down, D will walk over and claim it for his own.  They are both really into Elmo and anything Sesame Street, Barney, and Yo Gabba Gabba.

M is a little chatterbox.  Her vocabulary just astounds me.  Every day, she is adding more and more words.  And she can memorize!!!  She watched Maurice Sendak‘s Little Bear and announces the animals in the opening theme in the order that they appear.  It cracks me up.  She also says ‘NOT!’ all the time.  For example:

M, would you like to sit on the potty?  And she replies “Not!”.  I live in Wayne’s World!

D…well….D is a another story.  I am starting to become a bit concerned with his speech development.  His motor skills are off the charts.  The boy runs, throws a football, jumps, hops, but when it comes to using his words, I think he gets frustrated and that is leading to the temper tantrums.  I know I should probably talk to the pediatrician about it, but honestly, I am not sure if I am ready to deal with the fact that there might be “delays” with D (regardless of prematurity).  I know that boys are notorious for slower speech development and am hoping that he will just catch up on his own.

Potty training, well…I am a slacker.  I have thus far, not been very consistent with the potty thing.  The Twinkies are 2 years and 5 months today, and I have got to get on the ball with it.  I know the M is not going to be the problem….it is going to be my little man.  How on earth do you train a boy?  Arghhh….Mommies out there….help me out!

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March 10, 2010 § Leave a comment


I am not fit to be company for man nor beat these last few days.  I cannot put my finger on the reason.  I am not motivated to do much, even workout (which is my usually fall back, put me in a better mood activity).  I am just grumpy.  Everything is pissing me off for one reason or another.   Like yesterday, D calls on his way home from work and announces that somehow, the windshield has cracked…, $300 and 12 hours later, we have a new windshield.  That pissed me off. 

D and M are not being particularly cooperative these days, and I am sure it has to do with the fact that they are 2 and are as sick of being stuck in the house as I am.  But D has this scream.  I mean, I know boys are loud, but whatever note he is going for, it is the one that makes my brain want to explode.  He screams and screeches so bloody loud…and he is smart about it….he waits until I am on the phone, or trying to have a conversation and then BOOM!  It’s agony for me….and I am sure that the little monkey is laughing at me on the inside……

M on the other hand….is cool as a cucumber….unless you want her to go anywhere without her blanket or move her from her perch on the subwoofer next to the TV.  She is fine with most anything, as long as it is Barney or Sesame Street.   The whole Barney thing is getting a bit much for me.  I mean, isn’t there a stage where they are supposed to be interested in other cartoons?  I mean how old are they supposed to be for Dora?  Or Barbies?  I guess I really should have done some reading or something when I was going through all those fertility treatments.  I feel ill-prepared to parent multiples.  It is not a 24 hour a day job….it is 48 hours of work that I get to try to cram into 24 hours everyday.

Did I mention that I feel like a single parent most of the time?  When D gets home, he kind of takes over….for the 2 or 3 hours that the kids are still awake for.  The rest of the time….it’s me…..just me…..two versus one….all day long……

Don’t tell them, but I think they are winning….even now, they are upstairs and are supposed to be napping.  Yeah, right, like that is gonna happen.  I can’t even count how many nap strike days we have had this month……

Hey, if anyone hears of a spa day giveaway in PA or NJ, please enter me….please…… or at least email me the link at amama2twins at gmail dot com…

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January 22, 2010 § Leave a comment

Time seems to be flying by so quickly.  I feel like I am just going in circles all day everyday. 

The kids are growing and changing so fast.  Yesterday, Daniel decided to pour an entire box of Cheerios on the living room floor.  Yeah!  The dogs loved it!  I, however was not as impressed with his trick or the 5 poopy diapers he produced yesterday. 

And then, at nap time…. Melissa strips totally nude, Daniel strips from the waist down, and the both discard everything from their cribs.  I guess they needed more space to dance and jump around. 

And this morning, they woke up at 4:30 am.  It is an ungodly hour, even for them.  Sure, I could blame the hubby for making too much noise in the bathroom, or blame the new teeth attempting to press through my children’s upper and lower jaws, but I think they got up because they could….and they wanted to…willful little monsters!!!! 

I am sick with a cold so automatically, I am miserable.   I am stressing out due to situations beyond my control.  I am sleep deprived.  I am a mommy to toddlers!

Pictures from the kids' party…

October 19, 2009 § 4 Comments

elmo goes for a swim
Image by Spatial Mongrel via Flickr

So it is Monday again.  Finally, after 4 days of rain and wind, we have some sunshine.  I also have my house back.  The hubby had been off work since Thursday….and honestly, was starting to bug the crap out of me.  I know that he can’t help “ordering me around” and “instructing me on how to care for the children”…it’s the 24 years of army in him.  But sheesh….what does he think I do all day?

We are getting more and more interested in the potty….we are also increasing our vocabulary by leaps and bounds.  That means they can say poop…and crack up laughing hysterically.

Melissa loves to dance.  Daniel loves to spin and get dizzy and fall down.  It’s a real show around here some days.

I know that my challenges have just really begun…I mean the “terrible twos” challenge.  I am still not sure how I am going to deal with it….I guess I just have to take it one day at a time.  That is, if I can keep my brain from melting from Sesame Street and Barney overload.  Elmo is a demi god in this house…..It is Elmo on demand all day….

 My Philadelphia Phillies kicked some L.A. Dodger hiney last night….of course, I was too tired to actually watch it.  I did get to see my boy, Jayson Werth hit his dinger……so that made up for an otherwise crappy day.  I don’t even want to talk about the Philadelphia Eagles performance against the Raiders.

But I am alive.   All plans for going back to school are on hold.  I am treading water even with my parents being so close by.  Just maintaining the house, the laundry, the kids, the dogs, the shopping….well…’s enough for me.  What was I thinking considering taking a part time job?

And we got our new shed….about 6 weeks ago, my mother drove into our shed and totalled it.  So, her auto insurance covered a new shed.  It was delivered on Thursday.  Now, the hubby should have his little man cave to keep all his tools and crap in.

But that is my life….very boring, very routine-driven.  Very tiring, but some days, very rewarding.

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