Pictures from the kids' party…

October 19, 2009 § 4 Comments

elmo goes for a swim
Image by Spatial Mongrel via Flickr

So it is Monday again.  Finally, after 4 days of rain and wind, we have some sunshine.  I also have my house back.  The hubby had been off work since Thursday….and honestly, was starting to bug the crap out of me.  I know that he can’t help “ordering me around” and “instructing me on how to care for the children”…it’s the 24 years of army in him.  But sheesh….what does he think I do all day?

We are getting more and more interested in the potty….we are also increasing our vocabulary by leaps and bounds.  That means they can say poop…and crack up laughing hysterically.

Melissa loves to dance.  Daniel loves to spin and get dizzy and fall down.  It’s a real show around here some days.

I know that my challenges have just really begun…I mean the “terrible twos” challenge.  I am still not sure how I am going to deal with it….I guess I just have to take it one day at a time.  That is, if I can keep my brain from melting from Sesame Street and Barney overload.  Elmo is a demi god in this house…..It is Elmo on demand all day….

 My Philadelphia Phillies kicked some L.A. Dodger hiney last night….of course, I was too tired to actually watch it.  I did get to see my boy, Jayson Werth hit his dinger……so that made up for an otherwise crappy day.  I don’t even want to talk about the Philadelphia Eagles performance against the Raiders.

But I am alive.   All plans for going back to school are on hold.  I am treading water even with my parents being so close by.  Just maintaining the house, the laundry, the kids, the dogs, the shopping….well…’s enough for me.  What was I thinking considering taking a part time job?

And we got our new shed….about 6 weeks ago, my mother drove into our shed and totalled it.  So, her auto insurance covered a new shed.  It was delivered on Thursday.  Now, the hubby should have his little man cave to keep all his tools and crap in.

But that is my life….very boring, very routine-driven.  Very tiring, but some days, very rewarding.

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2 years and 1 day

October 17, 2009 § 1 Comment

I can’t believe that we celebrated the twins second birthday.  It was not in as grand a style as last year (many fewer guests) but had a very nice time just the same.  We went out for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and Great-Grandma Connie (aged 95) and then back to the house for cake (Elmo of course), ice cream and baloons.  The kids did manage to not nap all day which was not a great sign for the rest of the evening.

We are still havin sleep issues and hubby and I are at odds on how to handle it.  We are at odds on a lot of things.

I rarely have time to sit down and write a post.  It seems these days I have less and less time to do much of anything outside of laundry, childcare, cooking, cleaning and trying to stay sane.  I am taking another yoga class to try to reel my mind and sanity back in.

But here it is….

two years later…..

and these two little people have moved in and taken over.

and I wouldn’t change one minute of it.


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Forever and a day…

September 30, 2009 § 3 Comments

Yes, I am still alive.  No, I didn’t take the job.  yes, I am completely obsessed with my wii.  I am the worst blogger ever.

I think about bloggin but am so caught up in what the kids are doing that I never seem to find the time anymore.  I meanm I have to watch the kids like a hawk….they get into EVERYTHING!

The summer flew by, We are into fall…..I love the fall, but it makes it difficult to get the kids outside to let them burn off some energy.  Also, our backyard is a huge mess thanks to my mother driving into our shed.  The hubby and a coouple of halpers tore the shed apart this past weekend and yesterday I paid $450 for someone to haul the debris away.  I only feel alittle ripped off.  We are having another shed built and it should be deivered in the next two weeks.

Rhe kids are good.  Melissa is a chatterbox.  Daniel is vocalizing and occasionally says a word that I can understand.  They are still not the best sleepers……..(am I ever going to get any sleep?).

They are good kids.  They are funny.  Such distinct personalities….but beware of the monkey see monkey do thing.

We also started the potty training thing with Melissa.  She peed in the regular potty once for us……but has yet to go on her pink throne.

I am going to try to write more regularly.  I have lost 15 lbs since the 1st of August (my 35th b-day) and now feel better if I skip a day of training.

I don’t know who is still reading out there….but I am here….I am back….

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Thundery Thursday

August 13, 2009 § Leave a comment

Well, I got up this morning and did my hair, despite the forecasters warning that today would not be a good hair day.  Hey, at least I tried.  I am not sitting in my parent’s living room wearing a visor that I am pretty sure my nephew left here.  I arrived at my parent house in a deluge of some of the heaviest rain I have seen in a long time.  Well, the hair couldn’t be saved…..

My parents are driving to Massachusetts and I am sitting with my Grandmother.  It is really kind of sad.  It seems like she is just sitting around waiting to die.  She asked me earlier if these “were my kids?”  Ummm, yeah….These are my kids, Grandma…….I mean…she is 95 but seems to be fading faster and faster all the time.  I don’t ever want to get that old.

Meanwhile,  I am still trying to figure out how to get all the movies of the babies off of my harddrive on my video camera.  I want to burn them to DVD.  So far, I haven’t had much luck.

Tomorrow, I am having an electrician (friend) come in to install the ceiling fan.  The hubby took one look at it and it was “over his head” and he didn’t want to short out the rest of the house.  Electricity has never been his strong suit.  I remember one time when we were first dating and he was talking to me on the phone while trying to wire some lights in the basement.  Well, something went buzz and he flew halfway across the basement, while I was on the phone with him.


We did go to Dorney Park and had a good time.  The kids enjoyed it.  The hubby, not so much.  He doesn’t like rides. so he spent most of the day holding the bags of stuff that we dragged around instead of paying $15 to rent a locker for 4 hours…….but I did manage to get some sun, and am sporting some tan lines for the first time this year.

too damn hot…

August 10, 2009 § Leave a comment

okay…the heat index is 105 degrees.  This is nuts!  It is too hot to do ANYTHING!  I did manage to get 30 minutes of Wii in this morning, but that was only because I had the fan and the air condtioner blowing directly on me.

The good news is that my parents are on their way back from Maine.  My niece and nephew and the hubby and I are going to Dorney Park and Wildwater kingdom on Wednesday.  Tonight, the hubby will be going to the doctor’s appointment with me…to talk about my ppd or whatever it is……and is off tomorrow.  We are going to “Rice‘s Market” ( a kind of huge flea market) up in Bucks County early in the morning and then installing a new ceiling fan when we get back.  It is going to be so nice to have the free babysitting services of my parents again…..

Major bummer….I just opened a can of diet pepsi and it is flat….yuck!  Do I call Pepsi and gripe?  Maybe……

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of when the hubby and I got together…someday I will have to write down the whole story, but will password protect it…….it’s not what you think at all………it is really bizarre.

Anyway, trying not to melt…….the kids just want to play outside, but like the title of this post….it’s too damn hot!


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Ahhhh……sleep, sweet rest…..

August 8, 2009 § 3 Comments

Wii Fit
Image via Wikipedia

I got 14….count them….14 hours sleep last night.  Talk about feeling refreshed.  My wonderful hubby stayed up with the kids and I got to go to bed at 5:30pm.  It was fabulous!  He even cleaned up the living room

The kids slept all night, and got up arounf 7 or so.  To thank the huuby, who is at work today, I loaded up the kids and ran through Dunkin’ Donuts and picked up 2 dozen donuts for the crew.  I think they really appreciated it.  It is a long hot day for them, and nothing works like sugar to keep you going.  I behaved…I only ate the chocolate one….well, me and Melissa shared the chocolate one.

I did almost 40 minutes of Wii fit this morning….including running, which I am not that fond of, but did okay.  I mean, my thought was always, why would you run when you can drive? 

It’s a darn good day so far……………….

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Strange Times

August 7, 2009 § 2 Comments

{{es|Chile poblano, una variedad de Capsicum a...
Image via Wikipedia

yeah, so despite going to the park yesterday to tucker the kids out, they woke up at 12:30 and then at 1 am for no real good reason.  Then, they decided that it was the perfect time to run and play…until 3 am.  Then poof! back to bed without a fuss.

I’m wiped.  I just cleaned bathrooms at Mom and Dad‘s house, and mopped the kitchen floor with my little “helpers”.  At least my parents will get to come home to clean house, that is more than my hubby can say most days.

And way back when, we started a garden…..well, what managed to survive is doing great.  We are going to have a TON of tomatos.  And we have several nice poblano peppers growing and even a few anaheim peppers (it was a mystery plant that I bought).  The peppers were started a little when we got them, so I am not going to take too much credit for them….but the roma tomatos were started as seeds on my kitchen windowsill.  And they are going nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can’t wait to try them.  There are going to be a lot of mexican food being cooked around here…….

I wii fit -ed for 40 minutes last night…..but alas, today….I just don’t have the energy……could it be lack of sleep?

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Hump Day Plus One…

August 6, 2009 § 1 Comment

And the weather is going to be absolute crap today.  So, the kids are stuck in the house.  Yesterday, we went out to play at least three times and poof…they went to bed without a fuss, and SLEPT ALL NIGHT!  It was great.  I got to sleep in until after 8 am….that in itself is a friggin’ miracle.  There is nothing better than getting to wake up on my own….no noise, no alarm, no hubby (he left for work at 3 am…taking my car, since his wouldn’t start), and then getting the babies up without having to pick up poop everywhere.

I have an appointment to see my GP on Monday night.  He wants to talk about my ppd meds.  I am sure he is going to try to ween me off but I know that I am not ready.  I actually do better and feel better on a higher dose.  I guess I was supposed to go back in December, but I don’t remember him telling me that.  I emailed in a prescription refill request and one of the nurses called back to say he needed to see me.  Okay….so….I will go.  My life is no easier than it was last fall.  As a matter of fact, it may just be more difficult and I have not developed the coping skills to keep everything in check all the time with the twins.

My parents return from Maine on Monday too……..YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I miss them.  My entire family is in Maine right now, and I am stuck here. Boo hoo…….  Maybe next year we will be brave and take the kids. (not likely!)

I am still freecycling like a madwoman….but I am getting rid of lots of stuff.  Oh and I am still Wii-ing.  I love it!  It is my guilty pleasure.

I did get some pictures of the kids yesterday….they are getting so big!!!


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July 29, 2009 § 4 Comments

2 kids with viruses.  2 trips to the ER.  Countless loads of poopy laundry.  Hubby with a cold (BIG GIANT WUSS!)….that is pretty much what is keeping me from blogging.  Poop, poop and more poop.

Oh….and my parents are on vacation in  Old Orchard Beach, Maine….until the middle of August.

I turn 35 on Saturday…and I feel like I am pushing 70…..can’t remember the last time I got 8 hours of sleep…..

Oh…and Melissa is in her “I refuse to wear clothing…including a diaper” phase……

I am simply amazed at the efficiency that my children have in completly destroying my house.

Bear with me….I will eventually get this all sorted out and start posting regularly again…..


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My get up and go…

June 29, 2009 § 4 Comments

got up and went.  I have no energy to day at all.  The kids slept through the night, I slept well, except for some really weird dreams, and the kids are being good today.  The sun is out but somehow, I am in a funk.

My mother is recovering.  She is still really sore but is hanging in there.  Dad and my nephew are off to Old City Philadelphiafor a historic tour.  Mom and my niece are home making people out of toilet paper and paper towel rolls.  The kids are coming over tonight for supper.  This should be interesting.  I really need to shake this funk.

I am still shaking my head about all the press coverage on MJ’s death, Farrah’s death and now Billy Mays.  Poor Patrick Swayze is probably getting very nervous.  I just want to watch something else on TV other than celebrity death.

I have lots of pictures to post of both our trip on the Choo Choo and the baby skunks that are wondering our block.  Tomorrow, the kids are coming back over to go swimming and then Wednesday, we are going to the Crayolafactory.  So I will probably post a ton of picutres on thursday.

Oh, and I got my new phone.  I love it.  I will miss my blackberry and mobile tweeting, but I love having a camera phone again.  Oh, and it saves us more than $30 per month, so it’s really a good thing!


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